Wednesday, 15 December 2010

FW: Next Generation Learning Programme - 2011 dates - Please forward to your schools

Dear colleagues

Please refer to the information below and the attached document with information about the LGfL’s 2 day programme for school senior leaders on planning the integration of digital activities across the school. Note that it is strongly recommended that at least 2 people from a school’s leadership team go to the course to aid with planning during the programme.


Details of how to book etc are on the attached flyer.


Have a great Christmas break everyone – and don’t forget the next ICT Leaders Briefing is on Tuesday 25th January at 1.30 (repeated at 4pm on the same day)


Best wishes




June Isik

School Improvement Officer ICT

Haringey Children and Young People's Service

Tel: 020 8489 5058

Fax: 020 8489 5001


P Think of the environment...please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.

From: Riley Max
Sent: 15 December 2010 08:20
To: Warner Daniel; Isik June
Subject: FW: Next Generation Learning Programme - 2011 dates - Please forward to your schools


Dan & June


Over to you …




Max Riley

Head of Education ICT Services

Business Support & Development

The Children and Young People's Service

Haringey Council

Podium Floor North, River Park House

225 High Road, Wood Green

London  N22 8HQ


Tel 020 8489 3202

Fax 020 8489 3760

From: Leeanne O'Connor []
Sent: 14 December 2010 12:29
Subject: Next Generation Learning Programme - 2011 dates - Please forward to your schools


To LGfL Global List


Dear Colleagues


There are four opportunities for school leaders to benefit from the Next Generation Learning programmes in the Spring term. These are open to school senior leaders as well as ICT subject leaders. However, it is strongly recommended that at least two people attend from each school so as to take full advantage of the opportunity the programme provides for planning the integration of Digital Technologies across a full range of school activities. Wherever possible, one of those attending should be the head teacher.


The programme is delivered in the context of:


In an outstanding school:

·                     Use of Digital Technology has a significant impact on OFSTED grades

·                     Digital Technologies are fully integrated, ensuring pupils have the necessary digital skills to succeed

·                     Excellent management of Digital Technologies ensures high levels of safeguarding for pupils, staff and data

·                     Digital Technologies promote quality engagement with parents and the broader community



Dates for 2011 are as follows:

Programme No.

1st Day

2nd Day


NGL 21

26th January

28th January

Now booking

NGL 22

1st February

4th February

Now booking

NGL 23

9th March

14th March

Now booking

NGL 24

11th March

15th March

Now booking



A support event  for those who have already

 attended the two day programme





Half day follow up

18th March AM

Places available


As usual, bookings may be made through


I attach a promotional leaflet for further information and for circulation to schools.


With best wishes


For Stewart Smith
LGfL ICT Strategic Leadership


London Grid for Learning Trust

CI Tower, St Georges Square, New Malden, KT3 4TE

t 020 8408 4455   f 020 8408 6014                     a school improvement partner           keeping learners safe online         anywhere, anytime learning                learn what is new on LGfL



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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Learning using games opportunity

Dear Colleagues,


Here’s an end of term offer....First the context...Recently I’ve been researching the use of games to support learning and came across a brilliant new simulation game developed by NASA’s learning technology unit. The game is quite safe for primary children to use (though definitely not easy!!) and involves them making repairs to the life support system for a base on the Moon. They compete against the clock and in multiplayer mode as part of a team. The game directly supports National Curriculum objectives specifically those for simulations; providing children with a simulation they can explore and allowing them to reflect on the role of simulations as tools to help people develop skills (such as flying aeroplanes) in the real world.


So if you are interested here’s the offer....I will come in and work with a small group (up to 6 children) of Y5 or Y6 children on using the simulation. In the first case it would be just for an hour but depending on how things go and if you’re happy we could look at more. I’ll bring in a set of laptops with the software installed. All I will need is a table, power and the internet. It could be a nice activity for a group of children whilst some of the class are practicing for an end of term performance? Alternatively it could be early next term. Anyway let me know if you’re interested and we can take things from there.


If you want to find out more about the game click here.


Dan Warner

SIO Primary ICT


PS the game is completely free and non-commercial.



Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Subject Leaders' Meeting

Dear Colleagues,


Last minute reminder that ICT subject leaders’ meetings are taking place today. Come along either 1.30-3.15 or 4.00-5.15 at the PDC.


There’s quite a bit of important information about the future of LGfL and implications for funding and broadband as well as a chance to catch up with some of the outcomes of our work over the summer that looked at free software resources.


If you can come along it would be lovely to see you...



Monday, 20 September 2010

MLE login page

Dear Colleagues,


The fault with has been resolved and it can now be used to access the MLE login page.



Thursday, 16 September 2010

MLE web address fault

Dear Colleagues,


There is a fault with the address that is temporarily preventing it from displaying the MLE login screen. Whilst the fault is being remedied users can log in to the MLE as usual using instead.


Please could you forward to all teachers that are using the MLE.



Dan Warner

Haringey LA

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

MLE Conference 17/9 - CANCELLED

Dear all

It’s come to my attention that people have still been able to book onto this conference scheduled for this Friday 17th September. I’m afraid that this is not going ahead and, in fact, should have been removed from the booking system before the summer holidays. I apologise if you or other teachers from your schools have been booked on this conference. I will be following this up with the CPD Team.






June Isik

School Improvement Officer ICT

Haringey Children and Young People's Service

Tel: 020 8489 5058

Fax: 020 8489 5001


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Thursday, 2 September 2010

ICT Stuff for the new term

Dear Colleagues,


We’ve been doing the equivalent of a MLE spring clean over the holidays. All the school buildings should be looking tidy and ready to start the new term. Let me know if there is anything that you need in order to get up and running again. Do have a look at the guide in the MLE Help room that explains what you need to do to activate the new classrooms etc.


8th October AM and 15th October AM Leadership of ICT course is taking place. You can find out details about it here: search for ICT and primary


12th October ICT Subject Leaders’ briefing. Again details of the sessions are available here:


Some stuff to explore for the new term....


With the recent release of lots of government collected data into the public domain arrives Digimaps. This offers the full range of Ordnance Survey maps for Great Britain (but not Northern Ireland) for a annual subscription per school of £69. Given the quality of the maps (they are staggeringly detailed compared to those on Google for example) I think it is a fantastic bargain.


If you’re looking at upgrading your computer systems why not save money by using an open source alternative to Microsoft Office. Open Office 4 Kids is aimed at KS2 children though I think with careful use would be suitable for younger children too. It features software for word processing, a spreadsheet and a presentation tool.


RoboMind is a logo based control program. Ideal for getting KS2 children started with programming. You write programs to steer a rover around a maze.


Teachers’ TV program about using free software in schools. The headteacher featured presented at a creativity conference we ran a couple of years back and has gone on to great things


Know It All have launched a collection of E-safety videos aimed at children. Could be good as the structure for a series of lessons or as for an assembly


Muvizu is amazing 3D animation software that is completely free. It takes a bit of practice but the program is really sophisticated and could offer a real challenge for children in years 5 & 6. I should warn though that it require a powerful computer and the installation is a little tricky.


Moonbase Alpha another completely free piece of software developed in conjunction with Nasa. It is a role play game in which multiple teams of children can compete to be first to fix the oxygen supply for their base. Like Muvizu it needs a beefy machine and installation is involved. It is worth it though and could form the basis of a fantastic topic.


Poisson Rouge or Red Fish if your French is like mine, is the most wonderful online collection of open ended activities I have come across for under 5s. It is staggeringly well put together and encourages children to explore and play in a way that many commercially available software packages fail at dismally. Unless you are feeling generous you can easily click to ignore the donation screen that appears before you access the activities.


Need inspiration for a scheme of work for ICT? Wokingham LA have spent their summer holidays rewriting their scheme you can access it all here:


It is often difficult to find suitable search sites for KS1 children, here’s one that is worth considering:


Right I think I should stop there. I am half way through my Delicious bookmarks if you want to see the rest you should be able to see them here:



Dan Warner

School Improvement Officer Primary ICT


Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Basic ICT Skills Course for teachers and TAs

Hi everyone

Hope you all had a good break and are ready for the new term!


The attached flyer gives details about inset available to teachers and/or teaching assistants who are very unconfident or inexperienced using computers and ICT.

It is a 10 week course run at the PDC, and is accredited by Hull University. This was previously offered as one of the modules of the year-long ‘ICT For Teaching Assistants’ course which I have run in the past. Due to the current uncertain climate, this module is being offered individually in this term, is available to teachers as well as TAs and, unfortunately, whereas in the past we have been able to pay for the cost of the students’ and administration fees, we will now have to charge for the module. The cost for the module is £150 per student.


The flyer has also been sent out in the Headteacher Mailings via Educomms.


The deadline for applications is Friday 17th September and will be on a first come first served basis. Places will be limited.


If you have any questions about this, please don’t hesitate to ask!






June Isik

School Improvement Officer ICT

Haringey Children and Young People's Service

Tel: 020 8489 5058

Fax: 020 88815298


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Friday, 23 July 2010

London MLE End and Start of Year Process

Dear Colleagues,


Given the challenge of decoding the Fronter End and Start of Year process document I have rewritten the guide and tailored it so that it matches with the set up in Haringey.


Key things to remember are the need to archive the classrooms and switch off the Email and See Who’s Online tools over the holidays. As usual these guides and more are also available in the MLE Help room.


Happy holidays!!


Dan Warner

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Moonbase Alpha



Feeling adventurous? Moonbase Alpha has been released, developed in conjunction with NASA it is free and has the aim of encouraging an interest in space exploration in children. I think children would love competing in teams to solve the problems...



OFSTED ICT Subject Inspections

Thursday, 15 July 2010

MLE end and start of year process

Dear Colleagues,


Find attached London MLE end and start of year process guidance. I recommend that this is followed closely so that you can get everything up and running quickly and painlessly at the beginning of next term.


Do get in touch if you need any advice.


Dan Warner

Haringey LA


Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Free MLE support!!!

Dear Colleagues,


We have some  ½ day sessions of Camilla Wrigley’s time left over that will be lost if not used this term. Camilla is an excellent LGfL Curriculum Consultant that has a primary teaching background and lots of experience of working with schools to establish effective use of the London MLE. If you would like your school to benefit from some of her time that could be used to set template rooms, the end of year process, working with children, school council etc. or training for staff then let me know.


The dates that are available are:

14th PM (TODAY!!)

15th AM

15th PM

20th AM

20th PM


Maximum of 1 per school and allocated on first come basis...




Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Purple Mash

Dear Colleagues,


2Simple are offering Purple Mash (formerly 2Simple online tools) to schools on a trial basis for free. It is worth investigating but do bear in mind before committing to a purchase that LGfL is on the verge of a deal to secure free access to these alternative tools for 5 years:





Monday, 5 July 2010


Dear Colleagues,


Safemail has landed!


Safemail (the facility to provide every child with an email address but restrict who they can send and receive from) has now been activated for schools and seems to be really easy to set up. If you are a Nominated Contact for the school then just login to the support site and click on the email tab and Safemail. You’ll find a range of drop down menu options that let you restrict access for particular year groups.


There doesn’t appear to be much in the way of documentation about it at the moment but as soon as there is I will forward it.


Do get in touch if you need a hand getting Safemail activated and accessible through the MLE for your school.


Dan Warner


Dear Colleagues,


Safemail has landed!


Safemail (the facility to provide every child with an email address but restrict who they can send and receive from) has now been activated for schools and seems to be really easy to set up. If you are a Nominated Contact for the school then just login to the support site and click on the email tab and Safemail. You’ll find a range of drop down menu options that let you restrict access for particular year groups.


There doesn’t appear to be much in the way of documentation about it at the moment but as soon as there is I will forward it.


Do get in touch if you need a hand getting Safemail activated and accessible through the MLE for your school.


Dan Warner

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Music Trax

Dear Colleagues,


LGfL have just launched Music Trax an complete scheme for teaching singing. It looks really good and children could easily access it from home to practice:



Friday, 11 June 2010

Issues for a primary school in Camden and the World Cup

Dear Colleagues,


Stunning video uploaded to Video Central by a school in Camden about issues in their neighbourhood. Schools can annotate the London plan directly using a USO/MLE login.


You might also be interested in these hand picked World Cup learning resources from the excellent Larry Ferlazzo: Ideal for adding to an MLE room.




From: Bob Usher []
Sent: 11 June 2010 09:34
To:; debra joyce; Dan Warner
Subject: The London Plan: a case study


Dear Editorial Board


I was thrilled to receive an example of ‘a schools use of the ‘The London Plan’ this week.


Their video uploaded into the interactive map and Video central really is quite extraordinary – and rather shocking in relation to the issues that he children face outside of school in their day to day lives.


I have collated the teachers explanation into a ‘case study’ of sorts  (attached) – and although the video is long (12mins) – you may find it a rather compelling watch – particularly when you see some of the footage filmed by the children ?(eg 5 mins in!)


The direct video link is at:



Best wishes






Bob Usher
Content Manager
London Grid for Learning Trust,
CI Tower, St Georges Square, New Malden, KT3 4TE
t 020 8408 4455   f 020 8408 6014 m 079 666 27 90 7                 a school improvement partner        anywhere, anytime learning                 what's new on the LGfL         keeping learners safe online


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Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Money Saving

Dear All,


Interesting Teachers TV programme on how much money a school can save through investing in electronic  systems for a range of office tasks.



Digitalbrain Email Addresses

Dear Colleagues,


Are staff at your school still using Digitalbrain email addresses? These are email addresses that end in (not to be confused with the new addresses that end in


I have been advised by LGfL that as of 31st July it will no longer be possible to receive mail from these addresses and there will be no mechanism for forwarding mail to an alternative inbox. The new email system (staffmail) is in place in most schools and provides a standardised professional email system for staff to use. If you need to talk through options then I am happy to help.


Dan Warner



Wednesday, 2 June 2010


Dear Colleagues,


Find attached instructions on adding J2E to your MLE page. It is a fantastic online tool for creating documents and webpages that can contain text, drawings, images, videos and sound.



Tuesday, 1 June 2010

ICT News

Dear Colleagues,


Following the theft of my laptop (in April!) I’ve finally managed to get my ICT subject leaders mailing list up and running again. If you would rather not receive any emails please let me know and I’ll remove your name from the list. A few things to round up news since then.


Goodbye to Becta!

Becta, the government’s ICT agency is to be closed down in November. Essentially BECTA played a critical back of house in developing standards for learning platforms, raising the safety agenda, pushing for universal access and of course establishing the ICT mark and self review framework. Right now we don’t know what will become of the content of the BECTA website, whether the targets for parental reporting that they set still apply. It is possible that the ICT Mark and self review  framework will be taken over by an alternative not for profit organisation but we will have to wait and see.


Goodbye to digital brain!!

At the end of July the Digitalbrain system will be switched off for good. It has been around since 2002 and could have been good if only it had been reliable and fast. If you have content stored on the system then now is the time to download it and save it before it goes to the data store in the sky!



Exit DB and enter London MLE. We now have 46 primary schools up and running and many of the rest are due to start in the autumn term. The system is a huge leap forward from DB in speed, reliability and ease of use and it has been amazing to see its use rocket as more and more children and staff start accessing the system to extend learning beyond the classroom. Perhaps the days of the Factory school really are over?? Have a look at this clip by Ken Robinson 



Look out for the arrival of Busy Things on the LGfL ( ). This fantastic collection of online creative activities aimed at N and R will be available in the next month and is likely to be a big hit with FS teachers. I’ve already road tested it with my 3yo daughter and she loved it too. Also don’t forget about the amazing collection of other stuff that’s up there Iboard is growing and growing and have you seen Magic School? Also coming soon are a set of creative tools for KS1 that look a little similar to the 2Simple Infant video toolkit. Ofcourse because they are online children can access them from home with an MLE login.


CLC loans

The new loan library for ICT equipment is up and running. It sits in a little room at the PDC and contains laptops, digital cameras, video cameras, Lego control equipment and Easispeak sound recorders and 2 Magic Planets! There is also support available in the shape of three leading ICT teachers that are able to come to your school and help get your children making films, computer games, radio programmes. To benefit from it contact Paul Easterbrook.



LEB (a supplier of Promethean products) are running a pilot project that will provide schools with access to Activexpression handset to use in school for a fixed period at no cost. Activexpression is the world’s first learner response system with advanced sentence and character texting options. Students can express themselves through text, numbers, like scales and more—allowing them to respond to questions in the dynamic way that they think.  It also, supports the self-paced learning, whereby, pupils can respond to answers at their own pace, allowing the teacher to intervene  immediately during the lesson to each child’s needs. If you are interested in trialing a set of Activexpression tablets for a couple of months, together with training on using them, at no cost to your school let me know. For more information on ActivExpression visit the Promethean website.


ICT Subject Leaders’ Meeting

We are holding an ICT subject leaders meeting on 15th June (either 1.30-3.30 or 4.00-5.15) Please do come along. If you haven’t been before you’ll find it a great opportunity to meet other subject leaders, find out about stuff that’s going on around ICT and ask us questions.


I think that’s it for now.


Dan Warner



Friday, 22 January 2010

Next ICT Subject Leader Briefing 26th Jan postponed

Dear all
Apologies to everyone but the next Subject Leader Briefing scheduled for the 26th Jan will be postponed. This is due to (a) the very small number of people who have booked to attend and (b) matters arising from the MLE roll out that Dan and I are having to sort out at short notice.
The next Subject Leaders Briefing will be on 15th June 1.30 - 3.00pm, repeated 4pm - 5.30pm.
We will also update you regularly via our subject leaders mailing lists.
If you have any further questions please dont hesitate to contact either myself or Dan.
June Isik
School Improvement Officer Primary ICT
Haringey Children and Young People's Service
Tel: 020 8489 5058
Fax: 020 8881 5298
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Monday, 18 January 2010

Safer Internet Day2010 - Tuesday 9th February

Safer Internet Day on 9th Feb is a European-wide initiative and is the one day in the calendar  that will give a focus to internet safety issues.  There are a range activities  taking place across the week between Monday 8th – Friday 12th February that can  raise awareness of how to protect young people online. The  Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre have launched a  micro-site at which has been designed to give  teachers, parents and child protection professionals some ideas and suggestions  about how to get involved. The other significant place to go for excellent eSafety resources is Childnet - - and 10 minutes spent on this site will give you excellent ideas for eSafety assemblies, classroom activities and discussions for all subject areas. 
What can you do?
Here are a few suggestions and ideas from CEOP to get you thinking...
    * Enter the ‘Think before you post’ film competition as a group, class or as a solo entrant.
    * Deliver the Thinkuknow resources to the young people that you work with.
    * Download the latest cyberbullying episode from Hector’s World – for 5-7 year olds
    * Download the new CEOP animated resources for 5-7’s with activities for
      pre school, called ‘The adventures of Lee and Kim’.
    * Hold a Safer Internet Day assembly – we have short films with lessons plans for primary and secondary schools.
    * Advertise Safer Internet Day on your websites, newsletters and publications – download the online banners and SID badge for your website
    * Host a parents awareness-raising session using the Purely for Parent’s presentation.
    * Create your own to leaflet drop on your local high street.
    * Work with the local or regional media – place an advert, get a journalist to come to your event, take some pics and send them with a press notice to your local paper
    * Set up a stand in a local public space to distribute resources and show the Thinkuknow films.
    * Encourage young people to deliver resources to other young people, with the support of an adult.
    * Encourage local shops (particularly those selling new technologies) to highlight the risks online, by having leaflets by the tills or posters in the window.
You can find more information at the Safer Internet website:
June Isik
School Improvement Officer Primary ICT
Haringey Children and Young People's Service
Tel: 020 8489 5058
Fax: 020 8881 5298
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Friday, 15 January 2010

Next ICT Subject Leader Briefing

Hi all

Just a quick reminder that the next ICT Subject Leader briefing will be held on Tuesday 26th January 1.30 – 3.00. This session will be repeated after school from 4.00 – 5.30.


Look forward to seeing you there




June Isik

School Improvement Officer ICT

Haringey Children and Young People's Service

Tel: 020 8489 5058

Fax: 020 88815298


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