Dear colleagues
Please refer to the information below and the attached document with information about the LGfL’s 2 day programme for school senior leaders on planning the integration of digital activities across the school. Note that it is strongly recommended that at least 2 people from a school’s leadership team go to the course to aid with planning during the programme.
Details of how to book etc are on the attached flyer.
Have a great Christmas break everyone – and don’t forget the next ICT Leaders Briefing is on Tuesday 25th January at 1.30 (repeated at 4pm on the same day)
Best wishes
June Isik
School Improvement Officer ICT
Haringey Children and Young People's Service
Tel: 020 8489 5058
Fax: 020 8489 5001
P Think of the environment...please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.
From: Riley Max
Sent: 15 December 2010 08:20
To: Warner Daniel; Isik June
Subject: FW: Next Generation Learning Programme - 2011 dates - Please forward to your schools
Dan & June
Over to you …
Max Riley
Head of Education ICT Services
Business Support & Development
The Children and Young People's Service
Haringey Council
Podium Floor North,
Tel 020 8489 3202
Fax 020 8489 3760
From: Leeanne O'Connor []
Sent: 14 December 2010 12:29
Subject: Next Generation Learning Programme - 2011 dates - Please forward to your schools
To LGfL Global List
Dear Colleagues
There are four opportunities for school leaders to benefit from the Next Generation Learning programmes in the Spring term. These are open to school senior leaders as well as ICT subject leaders. However, it is strongly recommended that at least two people attend from each school so as to take full advantage of the opportunity the programme provides for planning the integration of Digital Technologies across a full range of school activities. Wherever possible, one of those attending should be the head teacher.
The programme is delivered in the context of:
In an outstanding school:
· Use of Digital Technology has a significant impact on OFSTED grades
· Digital Technologies are fully integrated, ensuring pupils have the necessary digital skills to succeed
· Excellent management of Digital Technologies ensures high levels of safeguarding for pupils, staff and data
· Digital Technologies promote quality engagement with parents and the broader community
Dates for 2011 are as follows:
Programme No. | 1st Day | 2nd Day | Numbers |
NGL 21 | 26th January | 28th January | Now booking |
NGL 22 | 1st February | 4th February | Now booking |
NGL 23 | 9th March | 14th March | Now booking |
NGL 24 | 11th March | 15th March | Now booking |
A support event for those who have already attended the two day programme | Date | Numbers |
Half day follow up | 18th March AM | Places available |
As usual, bookings may be made through
I attach a promotional leaflet for further information and for circulation to schools.
With best wishes
For Stewart Smith
LGfL ICT Strategic Leadership
CI Tower,
t 020 8408 4455 f 020 8408 6014 a school improvement partner keeping learners safe online anywhere, anytime learning learn what is new on LGfL
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